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Journal of superhard materials

Chapter 2

The BEGINNING of the DIAMOND WAY (1961-1970) 

The public and state recognition of the important research-and-production result has served as stimulus of the further intense storm - performance of the task of establishment and development of industrial technology of synthesis of diamond. More than 15 special governmental decisions stimulated active actions.
Rates and system of the organization of work of the industry necessary to big country dictated by the government, leading to growth of release of vital production and finally - to growth of well-being of people, increase of defensibility, development of industrial potential without import "know-how" were of high level.
How the work of young institute was organized?
The basic work was conducted under the strict secret. The blighted area where the new institute was placed, demanded master's care and was transformed day by day. Construction of new premises carried out by own strength and by the Glavkievstroj organization from accessible materials. Both designing, and construction were done in parallel.
Главной заботой В. The main care of V.N.Bakul was to hire the necessary experts to whom it was possible not only to charge, but also to demand from them concrete results. And young men came, more often, not knowledgeable, but came in hundreds. They were trained in work, received the first know-how..

В лаборатории высоких давлений.

В лаборатории высоких давлений.


Heads of the institute had developed a technique of performance of researches on which the industrial works have been begun at once. Its essence consisted that in themes of development sections on the basis of specialization - material science , technological, design, industrial were allocated. Each of sections, in turn, has been divided into fineer elements on the basis of specialization. Owing to such division there was a broad audience of rather narrow problems which should be solved. The decision of each of them was entrusted to one or several employees of laboratories. As according to tasks the volumes of release of synthetic diamonds should were to increase very quickly carrying out of all experimental works in laboratories has been organized in two eight-hour shifts.

The case is a success which naturally comes to the one who persistently searches for decisions of challenges, who precisely sees the purpose and tries on this way different opportunities. And once all elements, fragments, all slices develop in a surprising precise picture of the optimum productive decision.
Within a month after visiting institute by N. S.Krushchev the Decision of al Council of Ministries of the USSR of January, 31st, 1963 was prepared and released, determined the precise program of works not only for institute, but also for thousand industrial enterprises of the USSR . It was provided not only manufacture, but also use of diamond tools and new technological processes in machining metal and nonmetallic materials in the basic industrial branches, in mining at an oil recovery and gas, the defensive industry.
In a basis of the Decision of the Government the achievements of Institute of Physics of High Pessures were laid where under direction of and with direct participation of member-correspondent L. F.Vereschagin, for the first time in the USSR synthesis of diamond has been carried out , the original laboratory technique and the equipment were developed for its realization. In Kiev the Ukrainian institute of synthetic superhard materials, having received a laboratory method and the laboratory equipment from IPHP of the AS of USSR, as a result of the huge creative and fruitful research work in to short term (9 months) under direction of and with direct participation of director of institute, Cand.Tech. Sc. V.N. Bakul has radically contributed to and advanced a method of synthesis and the chamber of a high pressure. On their basis the industrial technology has been developed and the high-efficiency equipment on manufacture of synthetic diamonds was created. It has allowed institute to organize industrial production of synthetic diamonds and the diamond tool in rather short terms and to start their wide introduction in a national economy of Soviet Union at eight created factories.

В цехе сортировки и классификации микропорошков алмаза Опытного завода института.

В цехе сортировки и классификации микропорошков алмаза Опытного завода института.


Thus, the solution of the major problem having the big nation-wide value, has grown out originally creative commonwealth of two institutes which have brought equal contributions in its solution. It has been reflected both in patents, and in awards of the state. L.F.Vereschagin and V. N.Bakul became Heroes of Socialist Work, hundreds workers were awarded with orders and medals.
Research works were directed, first of all, on the solution of an actual problems to decrease in the cost price of synthetic diamonds which is caused by many technology factors. The works on automation both preparatory processes, and directly technological operations of synthesis were carried out. The high pressure apparatus disignes were optimized, new equipment for sorting and classifications of diamond powder were created, processes of enrichment and chemical clearing of a product of synthesis were improved . Results of these works have led to creation of automatic rotor line of bricketing reactionary mixture for synthesis and equiping with briquettes of containers which at once have been implemented in synthesis process. New marks of diamond powders АСП (diamond synthetic strong) and АСВ (diamond synthetic high-strength), differing from АСО (diamond synthetic usual) were synthesized by lower specific surface and higher durability. Council of Ministies of USSR offered to Council of National Economy of the USSR (Decision of 14.09.64, no 987) to organize the manufacture on the experimental plant of institute of diamonds of high durability АСВ in the first half-year 1965 not less than 7 % and in the second half-year - 10 % from the total manufacturing volume of synthetic diamonds.


Памятная доска в честь синтеза в 1961 году первой партии порошков синтетического алмаза  по промышленной технологии.

Памятная доска в честь синтеза в 1961 году первой партии порошков синтетического алмаза
по промышленной технологии.

 In 1966 the diamond sub-branch has been approved as a new direction of work of the tool industry of the USSR that has shortly defined Soviet Union as one of leading places among five countries of the world on volumes of manufacture and application of the progressive and highly effective tool from synthetic diamonds.The diamond powder production in the country in carats was equal to the whole world production (up to 1200 ton in 1990). But these data then were absolutely confidential, considering value of application of diamond tools in the defensive industry.

In 1968 the institute made and delivered the tool from synthetic diamonds to 26 firms: in Austria, England, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Hungary, Holland, Greece, Italy, Mexico, the USA, France, Finland, Sweden, Yugoslavia, Canada, etc. д.

Main page

Opening address of the director of V.N. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials NAS Ukraine
The chronicle of major events of V.N. Bakul ISM and Diamond Concern"ALKON"
Chapter 1 Prehistory of the Institute’s birth
Chapter 2 The BEGINNING of the DIAMOND WAY (1961-1970)
Chapter 5 Development of research work of the Institute for industrial progress (1981-1990)
Chapter 6 On a fracture of epoch (1991-2000)
Chapter 7 Innovative investment development (2001-2010)
Chapter 8 The scientific and technical cooperation, informational and advertising activity

V.Bakul Institute for Superhard materials NASU UKRAINE, 2, Avtozavodskaya Str., Kiev, 04074 Tel/fax (+38 044) 468-86-32; 468-86-25 Е-mail: