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Journal of superhard materials

Chapter 3


Problems which had to be solved by institute in 70th , concerned to two basic directions.
First, as soon as it became clear, that developed and mastered at ISMn the technology of synthesis of diamonds allows under the scientific contents, by technical decisions and economy to organize industrial production of synthetic diamonds, the scale designing and construction of specialized factories on manufacture of synthetic diamonds and the diamond tool was developed. First for accommodation of specialized factories have been chosen Poltava in Ukraine and Yerevan in Armenia.
Secondly, successful overcoming of resistance to introduction of new tool diamond production in various branches the manufactures which begun and was headed by scientific and statesmen in 60th years, has given positive result. There were samples to the new, very necessary for country technical equipment in the nuclear industry, both in microelectronics, and in an outer space exploration.
Activity of the scientific and vigorous organizer of V.N.Bakul and created ISM have been demanded by process of economy of the USSR and consequently used strong support of the government in 60th . They made a show-window of achievements of economy of the USSR and in 70th years, pride of Ukraine..
ГThe main task of institute was maintenance of wide application of tools from synthetic diamonds, cheaper and accessible, than natural, surpassing them under abrasive characteristics in significant number of using. And another - development at a competitive level of a diamond science and researced in institute to not lag behind world movement aside progress in new directions (information science, computerization, СVD-and PVD-methods of film technologies, semiconductors, nonmetallic composites, etc.) of world science.
Директор института с 1977 г., академик НАН Украины, профессор, д. т. н. Н. В. Новиков.
In Institute of Superhard Materials continuously operating exhibition has been created which demonstated wide opportunities of the tool from synthetic diamonds in various areas. At an exhibition which for 50 years have been visited by up to 100 thousand person, also the seminars for experts-technologists of various branches have been hold. On them some thousand person from all regions of the country were trained. Mobile exhibitions in buses which travelled about on all country have been organized and caused the big interest in experts..
Outstanding scientists of the country - have visited the institute - M.V. Keldysh, A.P. Alexandov, G. I.Marchuk, M.A.Lavrentev' and many others. Visits of delegations of the highest level have been directed on the solution of practical problems of manufacture and on strengthening of the common scientific and technical cooperation.
1971-1980 - decade of significant, cardinal changes in activity of the institute, connected with change not only of its legal status, but also in organizational structure, requirements to a management of institute, direction.
In 1972 the institute has been transferred from submission to Ukrainian State Planning in the structure of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
According to the Decision of Council of Ministries of Ukraine the institute together with an experimental plant and the special design bureau, with all buildings, constructions, the scientific and industrial equipment have been transferred in structure of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was renamed into The Labor Red Banner ISM of AS of Ukraine. The state plan has transferred to Academies of Sciences for institute, an experimental plant and special design bureau all assignments for research works, a wage fund, boundary assignments for the maintenance of management personnel, other limits and funds, and also capital investments for end of construction of the laboratory-industrial case of diamond chisels, to construction of a dispensary, development of the engineering specifications on reconstruction of buildings and the constructions, got to institute from the Kiev experimentally-mechanical factory.
Besides capital investments at a rate of 300 thousand rbl. annually a special-purpose designation went on construction of habitation for employees. In February, 1977 V. N.Bakul has moved to scientific work, and in the beginning of 1978 on pension due to a state of health.
On March, 15th, 1977 on general meeting of the Academy of Sciences Dr.Sci.Tech. Nikolay Vasilevich Novikov has been appointed as a director of institute d. And already on March, 16th, 1977 new director has started responsible work. Since this moment the new page in a life of collective and activity of institute opened.
V.N. Novikov by time of acceptance of institute under the management had enough wide experience of scientific and supervising work both in system of the Academy of Sciences, and in system of the high party bodies - six years worked as the adviser and managing sector in a department of a science of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Ukraine. He was one of talented pupils of the known scientist in the field of durability of materials, director of Institute of durability АS of Ukraine of the academician S.Pisarenko, his colleague in the basis of institute and held a post of his assistant on scientific work more than six years. Abruptly having changed the activity in a direction of synthesis of superfirm materials. V.N.Novikov within several months got acquainted and analyzed the basic results of work of all scientific laboratories of institute new to him. Acquaintance with many people has allowed Nikolay Vasilevich not only to see opportunities of application of the former scientific experience in a field of knowledge new to him, but also to determine ways of the further development of the basic scientific directions of Institute of Superhard Materials.
В лаборатории отдела исследований физико-механических свойств синтетических алмазов, твердых и керамических материалов.
В лаборатории отдела исследований физико-механических свойств синтетических алмазов, твердых и керамических материалов.
After N.V. Novikov appoined a director of the ISM of institute the structure of institute has undergone changes. Instead of laboratories scientific departments with specification of their names and mainstreams of activity were organized.
In 1979 in institute the scientific-theoretical magazine « Superfhard Materials » under aegis of branch of physical - chemical and technology of inorganic materials of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and branch of physicotechnical problems of material science of Academy of Sciences of Ukr.SSR which first number was issued in July, 1979, has been established..
The new management of the institute gave great value to cooperation with the enterprises and the organizations dealing with problems of manufacture, processing and application of natural diamonds owing to what a number of new large economic contracts has been concluded with them ..
Thus, decade of 70th has ended for ISM with an ascension on a new ladder platform. The Institute has approached to a new march of an ascension to tops of scientific search and industrial realization of scientific and technical achievements. Activity of institute has completely the justified hopes and efforts of top leaders of the USSR and Ukraine, in a friendly way set up and attentively directing work of a complex of a national economy of Ukraine. Plans for development of scientific work in the institute, approved by a management of the Academies of Sciences of Ukraine also were carried out .
Станок прецизионного алмазного микроточения отражающей асферической поверхности  сверхточных крупногабаритных (0,4–1,0 м диаметром) лазерных металлокерамических зеркал  (разработка удостоена Государственной премии).
Станок прецизионного алмазного микроточения отражающей асферической поверхности сверхточных крупногабаритных (0,4–1,0 м диаметром) лазерных металлокерамических зеркал (разработка удостоена Государственной премии).

Main page

Opening address of the director of V.N. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials NAS Ukraine
The chronicle of major events of V.N. Bakul ISM and Diamond Concern"ALKON"
Chapter 1 Prehistory of the Institute’s birth
Chapter 2 The BEGINNING of the DIAMOND WAY (1961-1970)
Chapter 5 Development of research work of the Institute for industrial progress (1981-1990)
Chapter 6 On a fracture of epoch (1991-2000)
Chapter 7 Innovative investment development (2001-2010)
Chapter 8 The scientific and technical cooperation, informational and advertising activity

V.Bakul Institute for Superhard materials NASU UKRAINE, 2, Avtozavodskaya Str., Kiev, 04074 Tel/fax (+38 044) 468-86-32; 468-86-25 Е-mail: